Habits That Keep You Active, Fit and Healthy

Like a machine, our body is active, fit and healthy as long as it is moving. Thus, exercises play a crucial role to keep our bodies active and inspiring work. Physical activity, walking and exercises to maintain joint mobility and relieve pain. The heart beats faster during exercise and each body part receives an extra supply of blood.
For a good memory and body healthy, we exercise daily. If this is not possible, we should exercise at least three times a week. Enjoy a full body massage at least twice a week. Sitting in the sun after a massage. This facilitates the absorption of vitamin D, helps to rejuvenate your body, increasing its life and avoid the general malaise and insomnia.
Pour a drop or two of mustard oil in the ears every day. This prevents ear infection and earache. Daily massage of the feet and soles keeps our perfect vision as some nerves are directly related to these body parts. A good posture is also important. You should sit or stand upright to allow sufficient space for air from the lungs to end to ensure an optimum supply of air when the breath is drawn in it.
Daily bathing is essential both in winters and summers, otherwise the toxins that leave the skin is washed and can lead to itching and other skin problems. Bathing helps the revitalization of us. Do not wash eyes and hair with lukewarm water. It damages the hair roots.
Exercise should be done gradually and within the limits, according to age and health of a person. The exercise beyond the resistance is counterproductive to the body is unable to rest, resulting in injuries and ill health.
There are special postures designed to yoga, which should be constant and friendly atmosphere with continuous practice. A steady and pleasant posture produces mental equilibrium and prevents fickleness and bad ideas enter the mind. Asanas are not merely exercises are postures to calm the nerves.
To perform the asanas we need a clean, well lit and lots of determination. Corps members provide the necessary checks and balances, so that develop agility, balance, endurance and great vitality of the practice of these asanas. To ensure a good physique, which is strong and elastic without being muscular and keep the body free of disease. Reduce fatigue. But its real importance lies in the way we train and discipline the mind.
For a good memory and body healthy, we exercise daily. If this is not possible, we should exercise at least three times a week. Enjoy a full body massage at least twice a week. Sitting in the sun after a massage. This facilitates the absorption of vitamin D, helps to rejuvenate your body, increasing its life and avoid the general malaise and insomnia.
Pour a drop or two of mustard oil in the ears every day. This prevents ear infection and earache. Daily massage of the feet and soles keeps our perfect vision as some nerves are directly related to these body parts. A good posture is also important. You should sit or stand upright to allow sufficient space for air from the lungs to end to ensure an optimum supply of air when the breath is drawn in it.
Daily bathing is essential both in winters and summers, otherwise the toxins that leave the skin is washed and can lead to itching and other skin problems. Bathing helps the revitalization of us. Do not wash eyes and hair with lukewarm water. It damages the hair roots.
Exercise should be done gradually and within the limits, according to age and health of a person. The exercise beyond the resistance is counterproductive to the body is unable to rest, resulting in injuries and ill health.
There are special postures designed to yoga, which should be constant and friendly atmosphere with continuous practice. A steady and pleasant posture produces mental equilibrium and prevents fickleness and bad ideas enter the mind. Asanas are not merely exercises are postures to calm the nerves.
To perform the asanas we need a clean, well lit and lots of determination. Corps members provide the necessary checks and balances, so that develop agility, balance, endurance and great vitality of the practice of these asanas. To ensure a good physique, which is strong and elastic without being muscular and keep the body free of disease. Reduce fatigue. But its real importance lies in the way we train and discipline the mind.
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