
Tips for learning about health and safety lines

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Helping others with some important concepts which were very helpful to my friends in the world and such that all have to learn about health and safety lines in the humans



The Bad Effects of Anger

Have you been angry? Lovely for you in case you have not experienced such state. Anger is unpredictable, it could blow out its ferocity small at a time or ones with a giant blow.

Anger is common among individuals who live through less ideal home life. Dealing with it that has create over a lifetime of pain and frustration is like trying to hold the lid of pressure cooker. The longer such enduring anger linger,the more the chance that it will overflow in to other relationships, that may result to conflicts, rejection or hostility.

One who is experiencing it may express their anger by hitting or yelling, or by rebelling or refusing to speak. What can they do to help people experiencing it? Let us help them recognize that speaking the anger is much better than doing it. They need somebody to speak to, who will listen them for them to pour out their feelings, they need counselor for it.

This is what I learned from my own experience on harboring anger. Not that, anger could cause insomnia, heartaches, hyperacidity , hormonal imbalance and other physical illnesses due to emotional stress. I have taken some prescription drugs for the physical illnesses I have experienced but there was no complete healing on it. Forgiveness in my heart has been the best drug to it.


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